A popular theory suggests that the dreams we recall don’t actually originate from our deep sleep phases. Instead, they emerge once we’re awake.
Now, let’s talk about dreamrecall. This is the ability to remember our dreams. Some people say it’s like catchin’ a fish, while others believe it’s a skill that can be developed over time.
Sleep is structured around various stages, such as slow-wave and REM sleep. In contrast to what many people think, dreams don’t just happen during REM sleep.
Factors influencing dream recall
Theories on dream recall
There’s this notion that the dreams we recall aren’t directly from the REM sleep stage. Instead, they emerge when the brain’s rational areas get going again after waking, making sense of the surreal stuff our brain cooked up during REM sleep.
In conclusion, whether or not people can remember their dreams depends on a complex mix of factors such as the different stages of sleep, how often and when they wake up, what happens in their brain while they’re asleep, and their individual characteristics. This complexity is the reason why some people regularly recall their dreams, while others don’t remember them very often.
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