The best way to store eggs and how to know if they’ve gone bad

Followin’ the news that Coles supermarkets are limitin’ how many eggs customers can buy, you might be wonderin’ how to make the ones you’ve got last.

If stored properly, most eggs can last up to six weeks.

We’re figuring out the tricks to keeping them fresh, and how to tell if they’ve turned.

5. Some people swear by storing eggs in the door of the fridge to make them last longer, as the eggs are slightly warmer and may not get broken as easily.


on the carton, however.

Keepin’ a steady temperature is vital to keepin’ eggs safe.

“A cold egg left out at room temperature can end up with moisture on it, which allows bacteria to grow, potentially contaminating the egg,” says Australian Eggs.

Don’t leave chilled eggs out for longer than two hours before cooking.


It’s quite a good debate as everyone has their own method [of storing] eggs — but I reckon they’d be better in the fridge.

When I lived in Tassie, it was all good to leave them out on the bench for 10 days, but up in Queensland, I put them in the fridge and they usually last for three to four weeks that way.

As eggs are porous, they can absorb any fridge smells caused by various foods.

Do homegrown eggs have a longer shelf life than store-bought eggs?

Ms Morgan says store-bought eggs are “pretty fresh”, so the shelf date in comparison to backyard eggs shouldn’t be too different.

, Ms Morgan says.

G’day, fair dinkum. I find some of me smaller breeds, like me Polish and me Pekins, have eggs that don’t last as long.

* Perform the water test: Get a bowl of cold water and gently place the egg into it. Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom while bad eggs will float.

You can determine if an egg has turned bad without breaking it by putting it in a glass of water.

to eat.

because of the large air cell that forms at its base — and should be discarded, according to Australian Eggs.

Ms Morgan reckons if you’re unsure, crack an egg into a bowl first before chucking it into your cake mix or onto the fry pan.

If the yolk cracks and mixes with the white, I usually don’t eat it, just in case.

— don’t eat it.”

There are also signs that your egg should be chucked.

Fair dinkum, can ya freeze an egg?

, explains Ms Morgan.

Fair dinkum, you’ve gotta smash it with a hammer first, heaps of blokes stick ’em in an ice tray.

Do chooks not lay as many eggs in winter as they do in other times of the year?

Chickens need at least 14 hours of light daily to keep egg laying steady.


Ms Morgan says it’s been a “fair dinkum weird year” for chooks this year.

G’day, this year’s been a real slog. Fair dinkum, the constant rain’s been a nightmare, and the drizzly days made it tough, so I reckon my chooks stopped laying in February.

That’s right, they’ve begun to get back on track a bit earlier than what’s typically expected.

She reckons it’s not as relevant for commercial farms, who use lights to keep chooks laying.

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