Forms of concentration and intense focus, like those demonstrated by Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin, can sometimes be accompanied by traits such as social withdrawal and staying up late working.
And though the world may have considered those habits unusual, a large number of studies have found a connection between them and individuals with high intelligence.
That is because
1. Talking to yourself
Research suggests that people who engage in self-talk are more intelligent than others.
Research has shown that, although seemingly irrational, this pattern of behavior is accompanied by significant cognitive advantages, such as enhanced memory recall, increased confidence, and greater focus, among other benefits.
In a 2012 study, a team of US researchers presented 20 images of various items to participants and requested that they identify a particular one.
Researchers have discovered that individuals who engage in self-talk while examining visual images can accurately identify the object they are viewing at a more rapid pace.
Another research study, conducted in 2017 by researchers from the UK, found that our brains function in a similar manner to those of monkeys when we cease speaking to ourselves, activating distinct visual and auditory regions of the brain for each respective task.
In this experiment, researchers instructed participants to utter meaningless phrases, such as ‘blah-blah-blah,’ as they performed visual and auditory tasks.
‘Under these conditions, humans exhibited a similar pattern of behavior to that of monkeys, isolating separate brain regions for processing visual and auditory stimuli.’
So the next time you’re caught speaking to yourself aloud, don’t be embarrassed. That behaviour is helping you process information and stay sharp.
2. Staying up late
The early bird may catch the worm, but research has shown that night owls may possess higher intelligence.
Research involving 26,000 adults has revealed that individuals who sleep in late scored significantly higher on cognitive tests than those who wake up early in the morning.
Individuals who prefer to stay up late scored approximately 12.9 percent more than those who prefer to wake up early in one study group, and 7.4 percent more in another group.
Numerous intellectuals, such as Charles Darwin and Marcel Proust, are recognized to have had nocturnal habits.
Some people experience heightened mental activity during nighttime, often due to being a late riser or simply thinking better in a quiet environment.
3. Daydreaming
People often mistake getting lost in daydreams for being forgetful or absent-minded. However, experts claim that this is actually a sign of being intelligent and capable of creative thinking.
“People with highly efficient brains may be so intelligent that they can’t turn off their minds,” said Eric Schumacher, associate professor of psychology at Georgia Tech, in a statement.
Research has discovered that individuals who admit to daydreaming more frequently tend to perform better on tests that assess intellectual and creative potential.
Brain scans, specifically MRI scans, demonstrated that these individuals possessed more organized and effective brain systems.
Research indicates that daydreaming is a potent cognitive exercise. Therefore, if you catch yourself lost in thought, it is a sign of mental acuity.
4. Thriving in clutter
Some individuals strongly dislike a cluttered room or workspace. However, highly intelligent individuals appear not to mind chaos as much – or even prefer it.
A team of investigators sought to understand the underlying reasons for this phenomenon. They conducted an experiment involving participants placed in either a cluttered or well-organized workspace and asked them to generate novel uses for ping-pong balls.
While both groups generated a similar volume of ideas, study findings indicated that those participants in the cluttered environment were more likely to produce original and innovative suggestions.
“Disorderly environments appear to prompt challenging conventional norms and habits, resulting in novel perspectives,” commented Kathleen Vohs, lead scientist behind the study, in a press release.
Orderly environments, in contrast, promote conformity and a preference for predictability.
Keeping your space messy can actually stimulate your thinking to go beyond the ordinary and conventional solutions.
5. Requesting and asking numerous questions
You are likely highly intelligent if you frequently ask questions like “how does something work” and “where does something come from”, and if a stream of numerous other inquires come to mind.
Inquisitiveness is one of the most conspicuous indicators of intellect. It’s a clear sign that your mind is constantly seeking to gain insight into the world that surrounds you.
It signifies that you are continuously learning, acquiring, and retaining new knowledge. The more inquiries you pose, the broader your comprehension becomes.
Some may find it irritating, yet for those with exceptionally high intellectual abilities, an innate desire for knowledge is simply a common trait.
Einstein once said, ‘I possess no extraordinary gift, merely an intense desire to learn and discover.’
6. Being introverted
Many brilliant individuals have been known to retreat to a secluded environment in order to concentrate and be free from distractions.
It’s logical that concentrating can be challenging in environments with incessant conversation and constant stimulation around you.
Research demonstrates that introverts are more likely to undergo a more intensive mental examination than extroverts. They habitually think more thoroughly and Analytically, which is related to a higher IQ.
Introverts often prefer tasks that need intense mental focus and prolonged mental effort, such as studying and analysis, which can promote mental growth.
7. Devouring books
Devoted readers are continually acquiring new knowledge, unfamiliar words, sophisticated concepts and various viewpoints all the time. It is as if the mind is receiving a mental exercise routine.
Reading also helps improve mental clarity, creativity, and our capacity to relate to and understand others’ perspectives.
Individuals who engage in regular reading tend to enhance their intellectual capabilities, which can increase their chances of having a higher cognitive quotient.
Consider the case of renowned business leader and investor Warren Buffet, who allocates approximately eight hours each day to reading.
Constantly devoting yourself to reading is actually a key way to become more intelligent.